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Get answers to your questions and topic guidance.
Some popular WeConcile Wizard questions from other users:
When I disappoint my partner, they punish me. Why?
How do I get over infidelity?
How do we stop fighting?
How do we improve our sex life?
How do we build more trust in our relationship?
Find our videos on Youtube for more relational guidance.
“You don't love someone because they're perfect; you love them in spite of the fact that they're not.” ― Jodi Picoult

We use established relationship science to help you improve your relationship.
How to use WeConcile
STep 1
Begin by taking our 11 question relationship assessment
Malcolm and Serina learn how they each assess different areas of their relationship.
STep 2
Go to the recommended content based on your answers
They are each directed to content so they can begin to address the areas they struggle in.
STep 3
Explore the short nuggets, stories, lessons, and exercises
They each begin to learn about what is causing their relational problems.
STep 4
When you are ready, begin to discuss what you are learning
As Serina and Malcolm begin to develop narrative around their feelings and actions, they begin to meet each other with empathy.

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Calm down reactivity and decrease distance; get closer, feel better and happier!
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$13.99/month/person +1 for Premium.
Use alone or with your partner.
Your membership empowers your relationship at a fraction of the cost of therapy.
Work on your own and at your own pace – you may also choose to work with your clinician or counselor as frequently or infrequently as you like.
WeConcile was created by Jennifer Lehr, LMFT, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and relationship expert. To read more about Jennifer, go to the About page.