The Yearning Heart Podcast - The Challenges and Gifts of Blended Families

 You can do this exercise alone or with your partner. If you are doing this exercise with your partner, you should each complete it on your own and then use it to discuss and understand more about yourself and each other.

In this episode, Miette discusses several issues, including her relationship with men. As she looks within and focuses on understanding more about herself, she outlines for the listener, how important trust is in our primary relationships.

 Think about your sense of trust in your relationships and how your family of origin impacted your sense of trust, both positively and negatively. Also, consider attachment wounds, which are when our needs to be seen, loved and valued are not fully met as we are growing up.

·      Who do you trust and why?

·      Who do you not trust and why?

·      What attachment wounds do you have and how were they caused?

·      How do your attachment wounds impact your sense of safety in a relationship?

·      How do your attachment wounds impact your behavior?

·      Are you able to self soothe and calm yourself when you are afraid in your relationship?

·      What else did this episode make you aware of?