After you take the quiz, you’ll have a better idea about where you feel good or not so good in your relationship.

If your partner also takes the quiz, you can share your answers and discuss where you saw things differently.

A note of caution, many couples who are doing great still see things differently and answer the questions differently - so don’t let this alarm you.

For example, if one party is more logical, and the other is more emotional, the more logical one may logically say, “well it isn’t possible for my partner to always be there for me,” so that person may score that area a bit lower. The more emotional partner may say, “well, I intend to always be there 100%,” thus give a higher score. This does not indicate a problem. Rather it shows how the two people process reality differently.

As you understand your differences and how you each perceive differently and begin to discuss this, you are on the road to building a stronger relationship. We need feedback to change. We need to understand our partner’s perspectives to change. This is good.

Remember, learning to see, communicate and understand how we each perceive is how we grow as a couple.